The Colorado Springs Gazette final

Rising electric costs

January’s electric bill is ridiculous. I called Gov. Jared Polis and left a message and asked him to help do something. I have had no response. What are the elderly going to do to heat their homes? I explained I have a piece of property in which I have sheep that live there. I have one 60-watt bulb that turns on at dusk and off at dawn and one heat light for the well pump house that stays on to keep the pump from freezing — just those two lights is all that is on and the bill for that property was $116, that is insane.

Just three months ago, it was $30. That has more than tripled in three months time; and yes, those two lights are on as soon as the days get shorter so in September is when they get turned on. Also on the talk of electric cars, you’ve got to be kidding me. When two light bulbs cost that much, I can only imagine what the bill would look like for charging an electric automobile.

Krassondra Beal Ordway





The Gazette, Colorado Springs