The Colorado Springs Gazette final

Blaming it on a political party

It is somewhat perplexing how some people can be political about almost anything, especially something they don’t approve of. (Referring to the opinion letter “What’s going on?” in Monday’s Gazette)

Homelessness is not the result of migration or the sole problem of a large city or a Democratic city. To the contrary, a good example is Colorado Springs which is more of a medium to large size city that has been under the Republican rule for many, many years. Colorado Springs definitely has its ample share of homelessness.

The use of the archaic term vagrant suggests someone who is a beggar, a thief or someone who is untrustworthy overall. A homeless person isn’t necessarily any of these. Homelessness is a problem which is difficult at best. The homeless are people with many different problems. Some could find their way out if they work hard at it, but many can’t. It’s like a hole that just gets deeper as you try to dig out.

Of course, there are those with debilitating alcohol and drug problems and unfortunately many have uncared for mental illnesses who badly need special assistance.

Instead of blaming it on a political party or a city or immigration woes, one should be turning those efforts towards trying to solve the problem. Donating time and money, voting in progressive programs to provide needed services and housing and just plain being empathetic for the homeless, might just help.

Jac Roberson Colorado Springs





The Gazette, Colorado Springs