The Colorado Springs Gazette final


IN 1923

Manitou’s memorial park is growing. Yesterday the howitzer, an award from the government, which is to stand beside the flagpole where the soldiers’ monument will soon be erected on top of the granite base, arrived. It will be moved to the park today. The gun, which weighs 6,000 pounds, was shipped here from California.

IN 1948

“Colonel” Thornton Jarrett, 97-year-old former slave who disappeared Thursday from a convalescent home here, was found wandering in the eastern part of the city. He was returned to the home by Deputy Sheriff Robert Sootsma. Nobody knows where he spent the night, but friends of the old man said on former occasions when he left the home, he slept in Evergreen cemetery beside the grave of his wife.

IN 1973

A flood of protests hit the county assessor’s office Monday in the wake of new assessment notices mailed to property owners late last week. Two factors were cited for these increases. State law requires all property be assessed at 30 percent of market value, and many had been under-appraised in the past. In addition, previous appraisals were made on 1967 values, which are not reflective of the skyrocketing market values.





The Gazette, Colorado Springs