The Colorado Springs Gazette


IN 1923

The Half Century club, composed of men and women who came into the Pikes Peak region in covered wagons back in the ‘60s, will hold its annual dinner in the I.O.O.F. hall tomorrow afternoon. Preparations are being made for 70 guests. Many interesting stories of Indians, of mining and of the hardships encountered in pioneer settlements and desert treks will be told at the dinner.

IN 1948

It is nice to live here even if your business is 250 miles away. Loren Brown, rancher and cattleman moved here with his family September 1, from Liberal, Kan. And business on the ranch? He commutes. He hops in his yellow Stinson Voyager airship and sets down on the ranch landing strip in about an hour and 20 minutes. Business done, he returns to Nichols Field in time for supper.

IN 1973

Teatro Chicano of Colorado College will present a bilingual version of a play by the Chilean Nobel Prize winner, Pablo Neruda, Friday in Theatre 32 of Armstrong Hall. The play, “The Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta,” will be directed by Rowena Rivera. Students have edited the drama and have composed special music for it.





The Gazette, Colorado Springs