Why must we assign labels to people?
Are we so unable to think for ourselves that we must have a label so that we can assign motives? Are journalists fact-checking or just labeling to avoid the work of explaining candidate’s platforms? Should we keep school board elections nonpartisan, or will our journalists join the movement to politicize all elections?
In the Courier article “Two retain seats on Woodland Park RE-2 school board, one opposing newcomer will join” dated 11/15/23, Debbie Kelley refers to the challengers as “progressive leaning” twice. I am curious about her sources for such a claim. Could it be the flyers she received in the mail from the incumbents labeling the challengers as progressive? Could it be the endorsement from the teachers’ union? I am certain the teachers’ union would have endorsed me, a known Christian Republican, in this race.
It was not based on their platform which was: respectful leadership, students not politics, education, attracting teachers, increasing student services, listening to parents, and cutting wasteful spending. The incumbents labeled themselves conservative, but the challengers rejected labels. Their hope was to keep the conversation away from politics and focus on our school district. I was able to speak with 2 of the 3 challengers, both of whom reject Ms. Kelley’s label of “progressive leaning”.
Let’s hold our journalists to a higher standard and let’s think for ourselves.
Carol Greenstreet, Woodland Park
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The Gazette, Colorado Springs